Leroy Neiman Art Walk Reveal

Inspired by a unique collaboration between the Downtown Development Authority, the Stadium Partnership, the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Museum, and the LeRoy Neiman Foundation, the LeRoy Neiman public art installation will allow locals and visitors the rare opportunity to enjoy Neiman’s artwork free of charge and at their leisure 365 days a year.

Dean Weidner, founder of Weidner Apartment Homes and Colorado Springs’ native was the inspiration for the redevelopment of the urban center now under construction. He believes public art plays a crucial role in urban placemaking and improves the quality of life in urban centers. It helps to incentivize walkability, attracts new businesses, and shapes the identity of the surrounding neighborhoods.

Where once stood a vacant lot will now be a place where locals and visitors from around the globe, regardless of age, means, language or ability may gravitate to nearly 1,200 square feet of Neiman’s legendary artwork. By targeting urban renewal areas and high-traffic locations, public art installations like this make it possible for anyone to enjoy a cultural experience. 

Weidner Field, Community Wall


Beneath the Neiman artwork, Weidner Field hosts a Community Wall where members of the community can purchase a plaque to show support, add their name, and support a youth sports program for underserved youth in the community. 

The first 4 plaques on the wall, Olympic City USA, City for Champions, Ed & Marguerite Ragain, Dean & Ana Weidner represent individuals who have worked hard throughout this project to inspire this community.

Click here for more information on purchasing a Community Wall Placard.