Weidner Field Beer and Bombers Prices

Alcoholic Beverage Prices at Weidner Field


Are you excited about going to Weidner Field in Downtown Colorado Springs to watch the Switchbacks play this Summer? Well, we know we are excited, so we thought we would offer a little information about the different beers we offer in our stadium!

We offer a variety of alcoholic beverages that are sure to fit anyone’s tastes while you enjoy a Switchbacks FC Game.

Pricing:  A can of beer ranges from $8.00 to $13.00 depending on whether you buy a 12 oz can of beer/mixed drink or 24 oz bomber.

Local Craft Beer and Premium Choices: Weidner Field has teamed up with Bristol's  Brewing Pike's Peak Brewing, and Voodoo Ranger to bring quality local craft and Premium Beer to the Switchbacks FC family. You can find them in the Southwest Corner and in the Voodoo Ranger Concession station on the east side of the stadium every Game.

 Best Drinks for Your Buck: From our staff, here are their favorite mixed drinks and beers that they believe, offer the best bang for your buck. Coors bombers, Coors light bombers, Black Cherry White Claw, Grape Fruit White Claw  White Mango White Claw, Cutwater Tequila Palma, Cutwater Vodka Mule, and Bristol's Brewing Beer options.

Are you still on the fence about what you would like to select to quench your game day thirst? We have created a table to help you find the best drink deals for your buck! These drinks are available at the Coors Chill Zone, White Claw, and Bristol's Brewing.

We also offer limited quantities of Redds and Angry Orchard hard cider in the Coors Chill Zone as well as, our club levels. 




Alcohol Content



24 oz


Coors Light


24 oz


Corona Extra




Corona Premier


24 oz


Modelo Especial


24 oz


 Black Cherry White Claw


19.5 OZ



White Claw 


19.5 OZ



White Claw 


19.5 oz


Corona Refresca


24 oz


Colorado Native


24 oz


Pike’s Peak Brewing Company Craft Beers


12 oz


We hope to see you at Weidner Field for future events, if you would like more information on ticket options, please visit https://www.switchbacksfc.com/2021season for more information or call our box office at (719)-368-8480 for assistance.